Anna Headshot

Hi, I’m Anna. I design clear, helpful content.

I’m a content designer and UX writer with a background in learning design. I’ve worked with agencies and start-ups (both early- and late-stage), sometimes on products with complex regulatory constraints.

I want my words to lead with kindness and care, and I’m committed to principled content design. I’m really interested in duty of care traditions and how designers can live out those principles in their day-to-day practice.

I’m a driven lifelong learner, and I love thinking broadly and deeply. I get just as energized exploring speculative spaces and big ideas as I do managing a content audit or shipping microcopy. I’ve lately been fascinated by questions emerging in AI around accountability, such as an agent’s responsibility to disclose uncertainty.

Here are a few projects I’ve worked on. I’d be glad to share more if you’re interested in working together. Please be in touch.